Your one stop for all things Star Wars Unlimited!
Curious what this game is? We have the answers! We have all of the links, videos, and answers to your questions.
SWU Website: (Click here) Go onto the official website to learn all you need about the game!
Create an account: (Click here) By creating an account you'll be able to keep track of events, build decks, and get all of the latest news about Star Wars Unlimited.
How to Play: (Click here) Learn how to play the game from the official rules!
Holidae Events: (Click here) Come and play at our store!
Find a store near you: (Click here) Not able to play at our store? No problem! Check out the official store locator to find a place to play near you!
SWU Rules: (Click here) Learn the rules of the game and stay up to date on the game. If you want to play the game but don't have time to learn all of the rules there is a PDF download for the QuickStart rules on this page as well.
Build a deck: (Click here) Check out all of the cards in the game and test out different decks.
Different ways to play: (Click here) This game is more than just 1v1 gameplay. Premier is the most common way of playing the game. There is Draft play which means you make a deck from a limited pool of cards. There's sealed play where you open six booster packs and construct a deck from that. There is also Twin Suns which has multiple opponents in the game.
The Cards: (Click here) The cards are designed similar to other trading card games, but it's important to get a good idea of how to read the cards. Below is a great resource to learn about the cards.
There are five types of cards: